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Ethereal Leaf

7 In 1 Herbs Sage Sticks Smudge Kit, 4 Inch Long Incense Smudge Bundles Gift Box

7 In 1 Herbs Sage Sticks Smudge Kit, 4 Inch Long Incense Smudge Bundles Gift Box

Regular price $9.65 USD
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Package Included:
                     4 X White Sage with 7 Herbs : Mullien, Peppermint, Rosemary,          Lavender, Lemongrass, Ruda Rue, Eucalyptus. 4 inches Long.
                     1 X Smudge guide
                     1 X Blessing card      

All natural: Our sage is completely natural, handcrafted, and packaged with care, free from any harmful substances.

Safety:  keep out of reach of children. Keep away from flammable materials

Perfect gift:  Our smudge stick sets are unique gifts that show thoughtfulness and consideration for the recipient's spiritual and emotional needs. They offer a meaningful way to express care and support for loved ones' holistic health and happiness.

Smudging is believed to promote healing by clearing negative energy and restoring balance to the mind, body, and spirit. The ritual of burning sacred herbs, such as white sage or palo santo, is thought to release purifying smoke that cleanses the environment and purifies the energy field around individuals. This cleansing process may help alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional blockages, allowing for a greater sense of peace, clarity, and well-being. Additionally, smudging rituals often incorporate mindfulness practices, promoting relaxation and inner harmony, which can contribute to overall healing and wellness.

White Sage: Known for its purifying properties, white sage is commonly used to clear negative energy and promote spiritual cleansing.

Mullein: Mullein is believed to have protective qualities, making it useful for warding off negative influences and promoting healing and resilience.

Peppermint: Peppermint is often used for its invigorating and refreshing scent, which can help to clear the mind, promote mental clarity, and uplift the spirit.

Rosemary: With its aromatic fragrance, rosemary is thought to enhance memory, concentration, and mental clarity, while also offering protection and purification.

Lavender: Lavender is renowned for its calming and soothing properties, promoting relaxation, stress relief, and a sense of peace and tranquility.

Lemongrass: Lemongrass is known for its uplifting and revitalizing aroma, which can help to dispel negative energy, promote positivity, and enhance mental clarity.

Ruda Rue: Ruda Rue is considered a powerful herb for spiritual protection and cleansing, often used to remove energetic blockages and ward off malevolent influences.

Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus is prized for its cleansing and purifying properties, promoting respiratory health, mental clarity, and emotional balance.


Smudging is an ancient tradition spanning thousands of years. Initially, sacred herbs and resins were ignited over smouldering coals in ceremonial bowls.
This ritual was thought to evoke the spirits of these plants, purging negative energy and reinstating equilibrium.

Make sure you're well-prepared by gathering all necessary supplies. Place a layer of sand or salt in the Abalone shell to catch any embers and preserve its natural iridescence. Open both internal and external doors and windows to facilitate the release of negative energies. For a more thorough cleansing, consider opening all cupboards and drawers as well.
Set your intention clearly and purposefully before beginning the cleansing ritual. This involves focusing your energy and thoughts on the specific outcome you desire, such as clearing away negative energies and restoring balance. You may choose to verbalize your intention aloud or simply hold it in your mind as you proceed with the ritual. The key is to infuse the process with your positive intention and heartfelt sincerity.
Commence in a rear corner of the area and systematically progress through each room. Whenever feasible, move in a clockwise direction, utilizing a feather to gently guide the smoke into corners and challenging-to-reach areas. Remain attentive to the behavior of the smoke and your own sensations. Take extra time in areas where you sense a need or where the smoke appears denser, allowing the cleansing process to unfold naturally.
Upon completion, exit through the front exit and express gratitude to the energies for their aid. Safely place the smouldering end of the smudge stick in the sand or salt within the shell. Wait until you're certain it's extinguished completely, then bury the sand and ash, returning them to the earth. Clean the shell and store it in a secure location for future use.
How often is completely up to you, trust yourself. Usually, you will begin to notice when your house starts to feel uncomfortable. Look out for when you or anyone else in the house is constantly depressed, giving off negative energy or when a guest with negative energy comes in to your home.   Smudging isn't limited to homes; it can cleanse objects, people, cars, workplaces, and more. Feel free to customize the practice as you see fit. With time, you'll develop your own methods that feel right for you.

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